
طريقة عمل شراب الحلبة

the way of making Trigonella syrup.
طريقة عمل شراب الحلبة

Trigonella plant

Note: - preferably a hot drink syrupTrigonella
 can drink syrup to address the throat , phlegm , which inhabit and harshness cough , asthma , indigestion self is expelling the gas to the wind and phlegm.

1 - nutrients needed

   - (1/ 4) quarter - liter of plain water .
   - (25) grams ofTrigonella seeds .
   - ( 40 ) grams ( g ) or sugar to taste.

2 - tools used to work

 - (1) teaspoon of the move .
 - (1) kettle.
 - (2) glass cup size ( 125 ) ml ( a small cup of tea ).
- (1) provide tray .
 - Cooker ( gas oven ) .
 - Refinery small circular holes

2 - mode of action

- Plain water is placed inside the boiler and placed on the stove ( gas oven ) .
- Add the Trigonella seeds over the boiling water and be moved with a spoon until boiling.
- Is added to the amount of sugar to the kettle and not stir the mixture until boiling.
- It is recommended to keep the ring inside the boiler syrup for (10 ) minutes of drinking it .
- Drain theTrigonellaby circular strainer with small holes and pour the syrup ring inside the glass cups and serves on the Chinese offer dish .

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