
( طريقة عمل المشاط ( الزهرة بالطحين والبيض)


( طريقة عمل المشاط ( الزهرة بالطحين والبيض


1 - needed nutrients.

   - (1) the head of a small Cauliflower.
   - (2) onion
  - (2) egg
  - A small amount of fresh parsley.
    - (Small amount of) latency.
    - (Small amount of) salt.
    - (Small amount of) coriander.
   - (1) cups flour.
   - (Small amount of) black pepper.
   - (300) ml liter of water (a cup and a half of water).
   - (50 ml) olive oil or cooking oil, to taste.

2 - tools used in cooking

- Move the wooden ladle or metal spoon .
- Chopping board ( or porcelain dish )
- Stopwatch appliances .
- Cutting the number (1) .
- Cooker ( cooker ) .
- (1) a glass dish .
- Blotting paper ( paper butter ) .
- Pan.

3- Cooking method
 CAULI FLOWER is cutting into pieces and boiled in a medium saucepan ( cooking pot ) .Is chopping the onion and fry in oil and set aside).
- The water is placed in a hollow bowl and add flour to it and move it.
- Are breaking the eggs and put them on the mix and move it.
- Add the cauliflower boiled after cutting it into small pieces.
- Are added and fried onions, parsley, salt and cumin
 Is moving the mix (In the case of a thick liquid that is added a little water in the event that a mild liquid added another half cup of flour.

- Heat oil in a pan and is added to the mix a scoop of hot oil and turn the disk of cauliflower is in the oil until it becomes golden color cauliflower piece and placed on blotting paper to absorb the oil, and so on until the completion of all quantity.
- Are cauliflower with flour and eggs in a hot serving dishes.

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