
طريقة طبخ الديك الرومي.

.how to making the Turkey
طريقة طبخ الديك الرومي.

 needed nutrients-*
 (1) turkey-
.(2) lemon or lemon juice.
- The amount of salt.
. The amount of black pepper.
.m(200)ml of olive oil or melted butter.
. (1) a small bead of onions.
. Leaves of celery.
. (2) tablets of the carrots.
.Parsley leaves from the plant.
. Leaves of rosemary  fresh.
. Green leaves of thyme.

. tools used-*-
. Chopping board.
. Serving dish.
- Thread.
. A piece of paper, aluminum.
. Large metal needle.
.Heat oven.
. The metal shell.
. The amount of water.

    mode of action.*
- The beginning of a convection oven is .heated.
- Cut parsley and celery leaves and Alrozimira..into small pieces8
- Cut beads chopping carrots and onions pill into small pieces.
- Is the use of lemon juice.
- Nylon bag is removed from the turkey if buy turkey chilled and is placed in the water for more than two hours until the snow melts or it can be used immediately if the turkey was fresh and clean are the remnants of feathers are washed with water in both cases.

- Is the removal of the neck or turkey neck and giblets (heart, gizzard, liver).

- Are cut one of the lemons and rub the turkey from the inside with the amount of salt is done after washing the turkey.
- Is put parsley leaves, celery, carrots, onions and leaves Alrozimira and salt and black pepper in the cavity of the turkey cavity and covered this with a piece of aluminum foil until the mixture to prevent the fall of the previous food. .
- Can shell turkey legs by thread potentially heat inside the oven.

. Been rubbing the outer part of the turkey with olive oil or melted butter has been added to it a solution of salt to get a taste acceptable when eating .
- You can add several leaves of fresh thyme (if possible) and rosemary to the turkey parts from abroad.
- Put the turkey in the oven is warming and follow-up for more than two hours and reduced the temperature of the oven Kherara after the first hour of operation of a convection oven .
- You can use a knife to make sure that the turkey has matured into a convection oven .
- After the maturity of the turkey is take it out of the convection oven and leave it for 15 minutes before the cut with a knife and put it on a serving dish and this dish can decorate any materials available , according to taste Chef believe is the process of cooking 

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