
طريقة تحضير الكاكاو مع الحليب

The way of making Cocoa  with milk as a hot drink.

Cocoa  with milk as a hot drink
Note: -
Cocoa is used in the manufacture of chocolate, sweets and biscuits in the industry and add to nuts and is also used in ice-cream which is good for the heart, kidneys, gout patients are advised to drink in moderation and preferably drink with fresh milk or dry.

1 - nutrients necessary.

    - (1) liter of water.
    - (5) a large teaspoon of cocoa.
    - (5) a large teaspoon of dry milk or 200 ml of fresh milk
    - (50) grams (g) sugar.

2 - tools used to work

  - (1) teaspoon of the move.
- (1) teaspoon metal.
  - (1) the size of a teapot (1) liter.
  - (4) the size of a glass cup (200 ml) (medium-sized cup of tea).
  - (1) serving dish.
-- Heat oven.

3 - mode of action

- The water is placed inside the teapot and placed on the Heat oven until boiling.
- Add the boiling water over the cocoa and move it with a spoon.
- Add the fresh milk or cocoa mixture to the dry and stir well with a spoon.
  - The amount of added sugar (to taste) and stir to mix well.
- When it starts boiling milk and cocoa are amortized (Heat oven).
- Cocoa milk is poured into a glass cup and offers a serving dish.

1 تعليقات:

في 14 ديسمبر 2013 في 11:03 م , Blogger Queen Abeer Almusk يقول...

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